What is The High Achievers Program?
The High Achievers Program has been developed to address the needs of high achieving students who demonstrate academic excellence, high levels of task commitment and outstanding creativity. A ‘high achiever’ must be prepared to take on the challenges offered, be willing to take risks and to set more challenging goals.
Watch the video below to hear our Learning Specialist Breanna Andrew explain how our tailored approach helps get the best out of our academic students.
Download Your Information Pack
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High Achievers Gets Results
Students in the Year 7 High Achiever’s Program are supported and carefully monitored by key staff, including a team of hand selected, high quality teaching staff to ensure that their specific needs are being catered for. They are provided with the chance to explore future pathways and career opportunities while completing goal-setting and study enhancement programs.
Students in the program improve and build on their Mathematical skills at a rate more than double the expected annual growth and hone their reading comprehension skill at a rate double the expected annual growth.
The data compares Carwatha College’s Year 7 High Achiever’s annual growth with the Year 7 National Expected Annual Growth.
Data has been collected using Progressive Achievement Tests, which are online assessments developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research to diagnose learning progress and used by about two thirds of schools across Australia.
Apply for Our High Achievers Program
Students who show high academic aptitude and have high academic aspirations are encouraged to apply to our High Achievers program.
Carwatha College P-12 is accredited under the Department of Education and Training’s CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education and Training 00861K) For further information refer to www.study.vic.gov.au